Owl Babies
Lesson: EYFS
Class: Garden Room Year: 2020 - 2021
Last week th children LOVED our story of the week 'Owl Babies'. The children listened carefully to the story and were bale to repeat "I want my Mummy!" when it was Bill's turn to speak.
As part of our story, we explored owls in our provison. We set up a collage area, with glue, pens, paper and collage materials along with the story and some pictures of different types of owls. We also set up a clay table with a variety of resources and again the owl babies story and a variety of owl images for the children to use and explore.
The chidlren created fabulous owls of all shapes and sizes. Some children decided to take the clay exploration a step further, using their imaginatiosn to create different animals like bears, caterpillars and frogs.
The children have been very proud of what they have achived and we are too. I thought I would share some pictures of a few of the fabulous creations with you.