Shaving foam
Shaving foam
Here is a super fun..super messy...sensory experience!
From today’s activity we want to activate and stimulate your senses, including touch, taste, sight and movement. This type of activity/explorative play helps to create connections in the brain and so develop thinking, problem solving and creativity. We hope from this activity you will also be able to practice your hand movements, hand grasp and maybe even your pincer grip.
You will need:
• shaving cream
• food colouring
• water
• ice cube trays/bowls in varying sizes
To prepare for this activity your adult should first fill a bowl with water. You should then be supported to add a few drops of food colouring and mix together using a spoon.
Together with your adult, fill your up your ice cube trays using your coloured water. You could do this with an adult, perhaps using a spoon to scoop up the water and drop into each tray or by pouring from a small jug.
Your adult should use simple words to describe your actions, ‘scoop, pour, squirt’.
Maybe fill two ice trays, each with a different colour. You could add glitter or even try freezing a small bowl of coloured water, with an item of interest placed inside.
Now, place your trays in the freezer. Wait for your coloured water to ice up.
Once your ice cubes are ready, your adult should support you to explore them using your hands, mouth, and if you are brave enough perhaps your feet!
Your adult should use simple words to describe how the ice cubes feel, ‘cold, hard, frozen, ice’.
Now your adult should squirt a generous amount of shaving foam into a tray. With help, push or drop the coloured ice cubes into the shaving foam and EXPLORE!
You could use your hands, feet and whole body to swirl, mix, pat, swipe, smear, move from side to side, up and down and round and round. You could scoop and drop, dip your toes and and your fingers in the cold and icy foam, and even sit in the mixture.
Your adult should use simple and repeated words to describe what is happening to the ice and to also describe your actions, swirl, mix, swipe, smear, up, down, round, drip, dip, drop, scoop.
Your adult could extend this activity and pop a few herbal scented ice cubes (lavender, mint etc) into your bath later.