Parent and Carer Partnership
Parent and Carers Groups
Here at Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School we are proud of the positive relationships we have with parents and carers. We are a family who work together for the benefit of all our children.
To help us do this we currently have two parent and carer groups. Both groups are really friendly and very informal. We meet in the staffroom for a drink and a chat and we run morning and afternoon sessions to fit around children’s attendance at nursery. Dates and times for the meetings are posted on Tapestry and the half termly newsletter as well as being displayed around school.
Friends of Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School
This group is open to all parents and carers of children who attend our school. We meet half termly to talk about how we can work together to make our school the best it can be. The group supports the work of the school with things like holding fund raising events, volunteering, contributing to our school improvement plan, talking about things we do well and things that we could do even better. As part of our Sandy Lane family everyone has a contribution to make and we value your ideas.
Parent and Carers Group for children attending Rainbow Specialist Provision
This group is open to all parents and carers of children who attend our Rainbow Room. We meet half termly for a drink and a chat to share ideas and experiences. It’s an opportunity for parents to talk about things that are working well for the child and family as well as things they may need some support with. If there are any specific things the group would like further information about we aim to invite relevant professionals who may be able to help to attend. This group is led by the parents who attend.
If you are interested in joining either of these groups please speak to a member of staff at drop off or collection or leave a message on Tapestry. You are sure to receive a warm welcome and we look forward to seeing you at the meetings.
If you have any other ideas for parent and carer groups please let us know and we will try our best to get these established too.