SEND Report to Parents
Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School SEND Report for Parents
(Please refer to our School Offer for further details)
SENDCo: Kirsten Matthews
SEND Governor: Sue Melville
The last SEND Policy review took place in December 2024 to ensure that it is in line with the SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years (2014). This is reviewed annually.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is Kirsten Matthews who has held the position since 2007.
The Special Education Needs and Disabilities Governor is Sue Melville.
Number of pupils with SEND
At Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School we have a Early Years Specialist Provision (Rainbow Room) for children with complex additional needs. There are currently 18 children based in Rainbow Room who receive SEND Support.
In the mainstream classroom at Sandy Lane (Garden Room), there are three children with identified SEND who receive SEND Support.
The number of pupils who leave Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is high due to us having an EY SEND Provision.
The number of children for whom an education, health and care needs assessment has been requested over the last six years is as follows:
2019/2020: 14
2020/2021: 15
2021/2022: 14
2022/2023: 20
2023/2024: 19
2024/2025: 8 (9 requested by child's previous setting)
Information relating to cohort 2023/2024:
All requests for an Education, Health and Care Plan were granted. Of the 19 children, 3 children transitioned to a mainstream primary school, 5 pupils transitioned to a designated school provision,11 pupils transitioned to either Fox Wood School or Green Lane School.
In recent years, the number of children entering nursery requiring communication and language (C&L) interventions has risen annually.
Information relating to cohort 2024/2025:
All children based in Rainbow Room currently are known to the speech and language therapy team based at the CDC. 56% of these children have a diagnosis of ASD or demonstrate social communication difficulties and are likely to receive a diagnosis of ASD in the future.
In Garden Room, 76% of pupils are benefitting from in house C&L interventions which are delivered by a designated trained teaching assistant. 33% of the mainstream cohort also receive speech and language therapy support via the NHS.
Progress of pupils with SEND
General information regarding progress made by pupils with SEND, and those within lowest 20% of attainment, at the end of their time at nursery:
- Overall, all pupils with SEN make at least good progress given their starting points and their capabilities
- The progress of these children is evidenced through tracking, personal Plans, Birth to Five assessments, therapy target reviews and their individual Tapestry Journals.
- There have never been any exclusions of children with SEND.
- Overall, the lowest attaining 20% of the mainstream cohort make at least typical progress from their starting points, e.g. at least three steps of progress.
- The progress of these children is evidenced through the EYFS tracking tool, C&L tracking tool and their individual Tapestry Journals.
- Quality First Teaching (QFT)
- An ongoing emphasis on raising attainment in the PRIME areas of learning
- Small group and 1 to1, individualised support as appropriate
- Consistently high staff expectations
- Pupil progress meetings (three times per year)
- The provision of appropriately differentiated work and support
- Appropriate grouping of pupils
- Support for mainstream children from staff with excellent SEND knowledge based in Rainbow Room
- Effective target setting and appropriate personal plans
- Quality teaching assistant support
- The use of interventions and strategies such as ECaT, Early TalkBoost, Wellcomm, PECS, MAKATON, Visual timetables and prompts, objects of reference, REAL, TEACCH and Attention Autism, on-body signing, intensive interaction and a sensory based curriculum including sensory circuit
- Availability of good quality, stimulating resources
- Effective partnerships with parents and outside agencies
- The SENDCo’s dual role as Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding.
Deployment of staff and resources
Staffing to support SEND
- A full-time SENDCo is in post who is also the Lead Teacher in Rainbow Room (Specialist SEN Provision) and the Deputy Headteacher; there is also a full-time Deputy SENCo who is a qualified and experienced teacher.
- Within the Specialist SEND Provision (Rainbow Room), there are two full-time equivalent teachers and five full-time equivalent teaching assistants.
- Within the mainstream classroom (Garden Room) there is a designated teaching assistant to deliver SALT programmes.
- An Early Help offer is available where appropriate.
- All staff are trained in 'Every Child a Talker' (ECaT) and the use of MAKATON sign language.
- Skilled and experienced staff
Budget allocation
All funding devolved to school is used to fund:
A highly qualified and experinced SENDCo
Suitably qualified adult support
Quality training
Quality resources
Assessment tools
Specialist provision
External Agencies
The children based in Rainbow Room are all under the care of health professionals based at the Child development Centre. They are assessed by and receive therapy from the following:
Occupational Therapist
Speech and Language Therapist
Consultant Paediatrician
The following professionals may also be involved with them:
- Educational Psychology
- Teacher for children with a visual impairment
- Teacher for children with a hearing impairment
- Health Visitor
Staff Development
Key staff members, working with children with identified SEND, are trained in the following areas:
- ECaT; 'Every Child a Talker'
- MAKATON sign language
- PECS; 'Picture Exchange Communication System'
- Team-Teach; positive behaviour management
- TEACCH; structured programme designed for use with autistic learner
- Intensive Interaction; an approach for helping people with learning disabilities or autism who are at early levels of development.
- Sensory Processing
- PDA; 'Pathological Demand Avoidance'
- Attachment and Trauma
- Ongoing SENDCo training
Transition links
Liaison with feeder settings, next phase schools and other educational settings.
- Class teachers organise transition meetings with up to 20 receiving primary schools to discuss children’s needs and any additional support required.
- The SENDCo and Senior Teacher deliver an annual meeting to parents of children with SEND focusing on the process of EHCP requests and transitions in to mainstream and specialist school provisions.
- There are planned and effective transition visits for children transferring into mainstream, designated provision and special schools during the summer term.
- A series of transition days for children based in the mainstream to our two local and main primary schools are planned for to ensure effective transitions especially for our most vulnerable children.
Complaints Procedure:
If a parent feels that the school has not met the educational needs of their child, they should:
- discuss their concerns with the class teacher
- consult with the SENDCo if their concerns continue
- consult with the headteacher/SEND governor
- follow the school’s Complaints Procedure