British Values

British Values in the Early Years
At Sandy Lane and Nursery and Forest School the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance are implicitly embedded in our curriculum and nursery life.

Democracy: making decisions together
As part of our focus on self-confidence and self-awareness children are supported to share their views, to know that their ideas count and to listen to and value one another’s ideas. They are given opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where their questions are valued.

Children are supported to make decisions, to take turns, share and to work together collaboratively.

The children are given opportuies to vote during adult directed activities, this may be a voted story, or being part of deciding on an activity that is put out in provision. 

Rule of law: understanding that rules matter
As part of our focus on managing feelings and behaviour, we support the children in understanding their own and other’s behaviour and how our behaviour affects others. We talk with the children about what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’. We have open discussions with the children to determine ‘rules’ and why we need to have these rules of behaviour.

We use conflict resolution to support the children to manage their feelings and develop an undersranding of empathy and how to most effectively manage conlicts that arise. 

Individual liberty: freedom for all
As part of our focus on self-awareness and people and communities, we strive to develop in the children a positive sense of themselves and to increase their self-esteem by providing opportunities for them to see their own talents and to develop their own abilities. We explore language to express our feelings and support the children in understanding their responsibilities. We look at similarities and differences between each other and encourage an understanding that others may have different ideas, opinions, beliefs and backrounds. 

Mutual respect and tolerance: treat others as you want to be treated
As part of our focus on people and communities, managing feelings and behaviour and making relationships, our whole practice is centred on inclusivity. We provide opportunities for the children to experience a range of cultures, religions, traditions and celebrations. 

The children learn about their similarities and differences with other children- the different ways we may celebrate the same events and the time to explore new events and opportunities. Over time the children build up huge respect, empathy, understanding and tolerance of each other. All of our children know that they can have access to all resources throughout nursery; our discussions with the children and our resources continue to challenge stereotyping.

Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School recognises that the personal development of children spiritually, morally, culturally and socially plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Although this is an ethos that has always been woven deep into the structure of Sandy Lane, we are continually working towards shining a spotlight on the importance of a multicultural environment for our children, their families and our staff. 

Staff will:

  • Consistently and actively promote tolerance of other faiths, cultures and races
  • Challenge gender stereotypes
  • Work to engage children and families within the wider community 
  • Challenge behaviours (whether of staff, children or parents) that are not in line with the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths, beliefs and lifestyle choices 


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Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26