School Improvement 2024-25

What is a School Improvement Plan?

Our school improvement plan is simply a list of things to improve our school. We all know that our school is a very special place but we want to keep on working together to ensure we continue to meet our outstanding standards! Every year the teachers and Governors work together to make a plan of all the things that we would like to do to make your child’s time at Sandy Lane Nursery and Forest School the very best that it can possibly be. To help us to choose the right things we listen to lots of people – children, parents, Governors and friends of our school. Then, throughout the year, we all work really hard together to make sure that all these things are done. Finally, at the end of the year, we check to make sure that we have done everything that we wanted to before we start again with even more exciting ideas.

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Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26