Our Goldilocks Project
Lesson: EYFS
Class: Garden Room Year: 2019 - 2020
It all started after we had read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children became really interested in the character of Baby Bear and his feelings. The children thought that Goldilocks was really mean to Baby Bear and made him feel sad. They had lots of ideas as to how we could make Baby Bear feel better. We collated all of these ideas on a mind map.
It was then time to implement these ideas. The children were supported to implement each of their ideas to the fullest, each idea jam-packed with new learning opportunities for the children to explore. From drawing pictures; writing letters; going shopping for ingredients, making cakes and icecream; to constructing beds made from sticks and chairs made from wood and nails, the children did it all!
Each idea valued and every opportunity to learn taken. The children had a blast and to celebrate we held a teddy bears picnic to share our learning experience with our grown ups.