Sunshine Room- End of Term Summary - Term 3.1 - Where do plants and flowers come from? 23/24

This half term our Big Question has been 'Where do plants and flowers come from?'

We have been talking all about the flowers and plants that grow outside. We have learned that flowers and plants live in soil and have roots that help them to drink water which helps them to grow. We learned that plants and flowers can be all different colours.

The children have been busy painting and drawing plants. The children have tasted different fruit and explored how some grow seeds on the outside and some grow them on the inside. 

We planted sunflowers and then the children took them home. This has been a great opportunity to watch how plants grown from tiny seeds into a big beaitful flower. The children have also been working very hard in our vegetable patch, first they planted the seeds and then they have been busy watering the soil and now we have a vegetable patch full of raddish, lettuce and carrots.

Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26