100 Day Potato Challenge!
Class: Garden Room Year: 2022 - 2023
On the 21st of March we planted potatoes for the Great Sandy Lane 100 Day Potato Challenge! It will take 100 days for the results. We went as groups into the vegetable garden to prepare out tubs and plant our potatoes.
We all joined in by putting soil into the big black bucket. We planted the prepared potatoes into the bucket them covered them with soil. We gave them a little water then placed them in the potting shed to protect them until the weather improves.
We have a 100 day chart we will mark off each day.
After the Easter holidays we went to check on our plants and noticed they had sprouted out of the soil. We had to put more soil over the small plants to protect them and help the potatoes grow in the soil.
Over the few weeks we continued to water our plants every 3 days and watched as the plants started to grow up tall out of the soil. Some groups measured their plants and some counted how many shoots had emerged.
There are only a few more weeks of the challenge left, we are looking forward to finding out which group has grown the most potatoes, but most of all we are looking forward to cooking some yummy food with them.