SS. Term 2.2. What do I know about Spring ?
Our big question this term is "What do I know about Spring?"
We will introduce this topic by sharing some non fiction books and using the illustrations to talk about what we can see.
The children will learn about different Spring animals and create Spring pictures using a variety of materials.We will also be planting cress and herbs and observing the changes as they grow.
We will go on some walks around the local community to notice changes within the environment, as well as looking for 'signs of Spring' in our nursery garden and during forest school sessions.
The children will also have the opportunity to create a Mothers' Day card. Mums, Step Mums, Aunties, Nans and Grandmas will also be welcomed in to the sunshine room to join us for a special tea party in celebration of Mothers Day.
Look out for the start of our 100 day potaoto challenge !