The very hungry caterpillar!

As part of this terms direction for learning (Growing) the children have been investigating the text "The very hungry caterpillar" by Eric Carle. 


They have enjoyed sharing the books and makaton stories together during small group times, and also explored a range of inset puzzles and jigsaws. They have investigated lots of fruit during their food provocations and baked their very own hungry caterpillar cherry pie from the story! They were also able to paint and print using fruits and explore them in the water tray during free play. 


To finish off our focus, some children attended a sensory story in Forest School where we recreated the hungry caterpillars adventure with lots of food, smells, visual aids and textures. yummy! 

Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26