Term 3.1 Where do plants and flowers come from? End of term summary
This half term our Big Question has been 'Where do plants and flowers come from?'
We started by asking the children their thoughts and making mind maps of what the children already knew. They could talk about seeds and soil and flowers being found outside.
We went on to look at flowers from the garden and pictures and found out the names for the different parts of plants. We learned about roots that help get water and food from the soil and keep plants standing up, the seed or bulb that we plant in the soil and the plant grows from, the stem that grows up to the sky, leaves that grow out of the stem that point out into the sunshine and lastly the flower at the top of the plant that had lots of petals and can be different colours.
The children drew their own pictures of the parts of a plant.
Alongside reading Jack and the Beanstalk we put bean seeds into plastic bottles with wet paper towel, over the weeks we have watched as the roots grew down and the beanstalk up.
The children all planted a sunflower and took these home to look after, some of them have grown really tall but some have only grown a little bit so far. The children have shared with us how they have put them in the sun and given them water. We have also been looking after our Garden room vegetable patches taking out the weeds, making sure they have enough water and looking to see if any vegetables have grown yet.
We have also created some nature art using daisies, dandelions, grass and leaves the children collected from the garden. The children made beautiful pictures with what they found.
We have looked back at the mind maps to see what the children now know about 'Where do plants and flowers come from?' and they are now able to confidently talk about planting seeds and what they need to grow. They can explain the different parts of plants and give a simple explanation of what the roots and stems are for. They have shown increased understanding of the need to care for plants and flowers and are especially keen to help water the growing vegetables.