Sunshine Room - End of term summary - How do we know it's spring? 23/24

This term we have been learning all about spring.

We have talked about how the weather is changing and how the trees and plants around us have been changing too. We looked at spring vegetables and then we used our cooking skills to chop up the vegetables and make a delicious spring pasta salad. 

We have explored spring colors and made beautiful patterns and paintings to represent the wonderful signs of spring we have seen outside. 

In the forest, there have been lots of signs of spring, there are lots of little green plants starting to shoot up out of the ground and some of them have even started to grow yellow flowers called daffodils. 

We had a special arrival of some eggs and we watched them as they started to crack and our hatched 5 ducklings. At first, they were small but then they grew bigger. We gave them a bath and some of us held them. 

We can't wait to find out what we will learn next time. 

Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26