Sunshine Room - Big Question: Why are there so many leaves on the ground? End of Term Summary - Term 1:2 24/25

This half term the children have been thinking about our big question...

Why are there so many leaves on the ground? 

The children have worked very hard this term learning all about why there are so many leaves on the ground. The children have enjoyed istening to seasonal stories including 'The very helpful hedgehog' and 'The Bear Hunt'. The stories helped introduce the children to the changing season and the different weather we may experience throughout autumn and winter, and lots of new vocabulary.

We have been on autumn walks in the forest and hunted for autumnal objects. We thought about woodland animals and animals that hibernate. We used our cooking and baking skills to make autumn vegetable soup and hedgehog bread rolls.

The children also enjoyed taking part in our Diwali celebration,they created rangoli art work, listened to the story oF Rama and Sita, and took part in a dance workshop. 

Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26