Rainbow Room - Big Question - Term 1.2 - How do we celebrate Autumn? - 2023-2024

This half-term our big question is...

How do we Celebrate Autumn?

Our focus stories are, 'The Gingerbread Man', 'Room on a Broom', 'Little Red Hen' and a sensory version of 'The Nativity Story'.

The childen have spent time in the forest obseving signs of Autumn, exploring leaves, creating leaf pictures and also engaging in leaf printing activities.  They also investigated a variety of materials and items that we might find during the autumn months such as conkers, seeds and autumn plants.  We also explored pumpkins; how they feel, smell and taste.

Our families were invited to take part in a pumpkin picking forest school session.  This was enjoyed by everyone and the children were given their own pumpkin to take home and carve.

As one of focus stories has been “The Gingerbread Man”, we have been busy exploring all things ‘ginger’ and even baked our own gingerbread biscuits. Continuing with this theme, we planned a “surprise” and went to our local bakery to look at all the different cakes they sold before buying a gingerbread man to take home.

Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26