2022-2023 Term 1.1 What do I know about me?
Each half term we focus on a Big Question and this half term it is "What do I know about me?"
It has been lovely to welcome back our returning children and getting to know all of our new children, discovering what they can tell us about themselves and learning about their families. We are so super proud of each and everyone of our children they have settled so well and transitioned into nursery life with lots of smiles.
We will be thinking about what makes each of us special, using mirrors to look at ourselves and draw self-portraits. We have asked you to send in family photos and we will be using these to talk about our families and those people who are special to us.
We hope the children will share about what they enjoy doing at nursery and at home, maybe what they like to eat, what colours they like and we will also be talking about what what makes us happy, sad or angry.