2021/2022 Spring term 1- "What do you know about winter?
Sunshine room have spent this term exploring their BIG question... "What do you know about winter?"
They have engaged in a range of ice and snow investigations- particularly enjoying learning lots about polar bears, their habitats and their diet.
The children also participated in an inclusive big art project outside, using a range of colours which they decided they associated with winter and "feeling cold" - they used a selection of textured sensory balls to dip in paint and roll across a large floor canvas to create a variety of marks, patterns and shapes.
This term, Sunshine room children have also been working extremley hard on their self help skills and independence- particularly when getting ready for Forest School. They have discussed with their room lead what items of clothing they think they should wear for the forest during winter months that are approriate such as a hat, scarf and gloves.