Holi - colour run!

The Hindu god Krishna was quite mischievous. He complained to his mother Yashoda that he didn’t like his dark blue skin and wanted to be fairer, like the love of his life Radha.

Yashoda, who adored her son, suggested he paint Radha’s face any colour he wanted as a paractical joke  to make himself feel better... so that’s exactly what Krishna did! Krishna and Radha were still madly in love after he did this, luckily Radha had a good sense of humour!

This is where the brightly coloured paints take a significant role during the celebrations of Holi. We embraced this aspect of the festivities by hosting our very own colour run in Forest School. The children were set a task to 'find the flags'... Search around the forest for the different coloured areas, looking high and low, crossing ditches, wandering through trees and climbing over logs! Once they had found each colour we had a special paint party with explosions of colour! 

Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26