Home Learning Garden Room

We want to support all our families by providing home learning opportunities each week linked our school curriculum.
Some examples of home learning we provide are:

Big Question - each half term we have a Big Question that allows us to dig deeper into a subject looking first at what the children know and then finding out more about through books, investigation on the internet, talking with others and any other ways the children can think of. We will, from time to time, post activities on Tapestry that you can do with your child at home. We welcome any Tapestry posts from you telling us what you have found out, showing pictures of what you have been doing and of course you are welcome to send in any finds or information with your child for them to share with their Family group.

Home learning bags - a few weeks into term we will start to send out Home learning bags with your child every other week. These bags are either maths, story or chatter bags and each contain an activity for you to do with your child to extend their maths skills, share the story together, with props, or extend your child's communication and language through the chatter bag. Again we would love to see Tapestry posts telling us about how your child enjoyed the activity and any particular interests that may have been sparked as a result of it.

Book bags - every Monday your child will have the opportunity to choose a book to take home to look at with you. There are so many benefits to children from being read to regularly and of course story time can be a special, relaxing time in your day. You don’t always have to read the words in books, looking at and talking about picture books is a great way to encourage your child to enjoy stories. Children often want to read a favourite story over again and again. This helps them learn the word order and link the written words to the story – which is the first step in learning to read!!

Story - Every 2 weeks we focus on a story within our Family group time. As we start each story in nursery we will send home a link to the story or the story read by a member of staff so that your child can share it with you at home.

Makaton signs - Each half term we will put a video of around 5 Makaton signs that link to our Big Question. Your child will have been shown these in Family group and we hope they will be able to share them with you and practice them at home.

Please see the links on this page for some examples of how you can help your child in different areas.

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Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26